Following the release of "fairy fountain forever," Chloe Cherrie returns with "twentytwenty." This single has two tracks titled: honeybee and sleepytime. Both songs have a trance-like feel to them.
honeybee more on the upbeat side, tells the story of someone who is afraid of what would happen if they said how they feel. But it seems like the other person is not receiving their message, that they would be perfect together. But they will not admit these fantasies they've created in their head out loud, leading them to be stuck in hoping.
sleepytime which takes a slower, mellifluous tone. This song talks about the struggles of being without the person you need. That life lacks any sense, and that it is easier to just waste away rather than facing those fears of being without someone.
What stands out in her music is her voice, she has a way of conveying a message in a sort of melancholy tone, while also giving a Lana-Del-Rey-esque vibe to them. Listening to honeybee instantly transported me to my best friend's 2007 Pontiac in high school. Her songs have a nostalgic feeling to them, with a bit of blues mixed with modern beats that never miss. If you are in need of a new artist to check out, Chloe Cherrie will not disappoint. I have personally been a fan of her music since devil on my shoulder released in 2020.
